Lavender loves our growing environment in Breede Valley – boasting hot dry summers and cold winters, free-draining soils, and a location 250m above sea level. Our farm provides the best growing conditions for the highest quality of Lavender
essential oil.
The dream of becoming lavender farmers grew from our love of the plant and a desire to build something from the (literal) ground-up that allowed us to spend more time outside in the dirt at our favorite place. We continue to grow our product line, rooted in our love for the scent and properties of lavender.
We grow two oil producing lavenders at the farm – Lavandula Angustifolia and Lavandula x intermedia ‚Margaret Roberts‘ – which are grown organically and steam distilled on the farm immediately after harvesting. On-site distillation allows us to produce exceptional quality organic oils, from which we blend our own unique product range which can be purchased online or at our farm. The Lavender Farm is open from October-April from 10-4pm most days, and we are closed on Sundays.
Tour groups and photo shoots are welcome by prior appointment only. An informative talk and guided tour through the display gardens can be arranged for a fee.
Farm visits are R100 per adult (children are complimentary). Please call ahead to make an appointment to visit our farm.